Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ladybug or babybug? (2y7m) 多星瓢虫

My kiss cures (and a portrait of her favorite doll 2y8m) 爸爸,我吹一吹,你就好了。

My kiss cures and it does.
My first independent non abstract drawing

From time to time, Dulcea would like to kiss or blow a gentle breeze over the wounds on dad. She believes the kiss cures. It really melts my heart.
She wants to be a pediatrician, a repairer and a musician for now. I suppose a good musician who heals the hearts of kids is her career.
At two and half, she finally finished a potrait all by herself. It is the doll that she is kissing if you can not tell. :) (Comments: Actually, Dad is wrong on this. The portrait is of strawberry shortcake.)

Holloween round 2 (闪电麦昆)(2y7m)

Too eager to wait.
Ready to go

Home, sweet home with an axe.

This is the 2nd time Dulcea went out for "treat and treat" and this time she could speak "trick or treat" loud and clear. Mom and grandmom escorted her out. The real treat came after the holloween when a neighbor's mom gave her a big lightening McQween.

Word police in action (只许多官编歌,不许爸姓改词)(2y7m)

Dulcea has been composing new tunes and editing lyrics all the time. But whenever dad does the same thing, she has to correct me. According to Dulcea, only she has permit and dad is not allowed to mislead her. :(