Monday, December 6, 2010

School girl in action (about 3 and 7-8m) 我上学了!

Don't tell Roman that he can't go to school yet!
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? ( I dont mean a summer's day in Arizona though. :) )
Hurry, Dad. I am ready to go.

Dulcea has several new friends now. Her best friend in school used to be a spanish speaking girl. Who needs English when you can speak Spanish and Chinese to each other?

Little musicians: 小小音乐家

I want to and can play three or more instruments at the same time and conduct. Ya, I am good with a guitar hanging on my neck, a flute in my mouth and a keyboard on my feet. Now that if only Roman could follow my order, we have a band!

Halloween: What a smart fairy! 多多仙子

I start to fall in love with fairies even though daddy thinks they are silly. I want to be a smart fairy. This is the first year that I am no longer a car or a train.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dulcea swimming into uncharted water

You go, girl! I mean, go to school, girl. I am not sure whether swimming is a metaphor of her school career or her social life. She has been going to schools for two weeks now. Lots of frustrations with English. I am watching you here, my dear, and grandpa is watching you from the above, just like you told daddy.

Dulcea grew up now: graduated from Gymboree and going to Montessori (多多先毕业, 再上学)

The strongest smile: 最坚强的微笑

Dulcea and Roman went back to see grandpa for the very last time this summer. It was also the very first time for Roman. Roman spent totally less than 10 minutes in the emergence room. Grandpa gave us the faintest smile and yet the strongest one. He is our inspiration to smile to life no matter how hard it is.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Butterfly in training 2 (or dad's Muse and I can always see your wings!) 蝴蝶妹妹

Dulcea has been asking mom to teach her how to play piano for a while. She pretends to practise a lot with her toy pianos. Occasionally, she fought with mom's students on who to play the grand piano first. She creid in dancing classes because she was not asked to dance before all other kids. We kept telling her that you dont need to be number 1 in everything, just do your very best on a very few things that you love deeply. Well, she doesnt agree with me on this so far. Hope she will sooner than later. For the record, now she does let dad win 1 or 2 games after she wins first.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

School day comes finally for both Dulcea and Dora. 多多上学啦!

Dressed up for her first school day!

Finally, I am a school girl now!

Dulcea took 3 lessons on her first day: Chinese, art and dance. We had to drop the art class so she can take a break from the 2nd week. Well, her student career lasted just about 1 day. She was promoted to be the teacher's assistant to teach other 3-5 year kids how to speak Chinese: “大老虎在森林里给小老鼠拜年!” because she was the only one in class who can speak the sentence fluently. Daddy and mommy had always known that she enjoyed teaching much more than learning. That's a problem for a 2 year old though!