Monday, December 6, 2010

School girl in action (about 3 and 7-8m) 我上学了!

Don't tell Roman that he can't go to school yet!
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? ( I dont mean a summer's day in Arizona though. :) )
Hurry, Dad. I am ready to go.

Dulcea has several new friends now. Her best friend in school used to be a spanish speaking girl. Who needs English when you can speak Spanish and Chinese to each other?

Little musicians: 小小音乐家

I want to and can play three or more instruments at the same time and conduct. Ya, I am good with a guitar hanging on my neck, a flute in my mouth and a keyboard on my feet. Now that if only Roman could follow my order, we have a band!

Halloween: What a smart fairy! 多多仙子

I start to fall in love with fairies even though daddy thinks they are silly. I want to be a smart fairy. This is the first year that I am no longer a car or a train.