Monday, December 31, 2012

多多的第1个100本书,100 books smarter now

We started recording some time during the summer.  Around the Christmas, Dulcea finished her first 100 books on record. This is the result of more or less a persistance reading for about 15 mins every day for a year or so. Congratulations. Lots of progress has been made!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Taking violin lesson with the class mascot

So far, half an hour per day on average for a year. Dulcea has perfect pitch and noises are still not so bearable.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dulcea's stage 多多的舞台

Kite runner running around home.

I am my super star!

The youngest player in violin recital

Dulcea has been doing two things daily before her school: reading and playing violin. So far, she finished all fancy Nancy, Pinklicious, most of the cat in the hat, ... Around a 100 books. Dr Seuss is probably the favorite. Not always willing to read or practise, but always curious on what's out there.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Action... and done! How to build Rome in one day! 多多在一天内修建罗马!(1m to 5)

Dulcea is a fast learner. She made lots of progresses in playing violin and reading. She can almost practice half an hour every day now (plays very well too!) and can read stories for 2nd grade. Ya, if she can really focus, she might be to able build a Rome in one day. Not really! Daddy is sure very proud of your progress. Just Keep it up and have fun, we have a long way to go.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I dance, therefore I am: dance whenever and wherever! 我舞故我在

With grandma here, Dulcea starts doing thing faster now, especially in the morning when there is very limited time. Still, we always have time for a pose, whenever, wherever!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

小“小提琴”手I have to look beautiful before I can play beautifully! :)

Dulcea has been taking violin lessons for about 2 months now. Well, she is actually playing a happy melody but from the face you can tell that she still hasnt fallen in love with the instrument. She is playing for just like 10 mins a day so far.